Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Day 079: Accessing Objects with Variables

Still working through the FCC Javascript Algorithms And Data Structures section and I am going through them pretty quickly thanks to all the practice I got on Codewars and Edabit as well as Angela Yu's Bootcamp (which I still haven't finished by the way. Currently at 90% done... need to finish soon!). I am hoping to get the certification for this section sooner rather than later. No specific date, other than "soon". Whenever I list a date, I seem to jinx it where something shitty occurs and derails me for a bit.

But I digress. So I also managed to finish two of the projects for the certification, the Palindrome Checker and the Telephone Number Validator (Regex). I think they are the two easier projects (and I actually enjoyed regex?) so I expect to spend a bit more time working through the other ones. I already looked ahead and they seem pretty difficult!

Anyways, I just want to plop the bit below as a reminder to myself on how to access through the keys of an object, in the below example is by using the For In loop (which I need more practice with).

let users = {
  Alan: {
    age: 27,
    online: false
  Jeff: {
    age: 32,
    online: true
  Sarah: {
    age: 48,
    online: false
  Ryan: {
    age: 19,
    online: true

function countOnline(obj) {
  // change code below this line
  let count = 0;
  for (let user in obj) {
    if (obj[user].online === true){
  return count; 
  // change code above this line


I got really tripped up with this one. Just a note to myself that I need to use brackets when accessing the key values with a variable!

obj[user]["online"]   or   obj[user].online

It was something I was banging my head over for about 30 mins. /bleh

Oh yeah, I changed the blog subdomain from anncc.blogspot.com to anncodes.blogspot.com. Not sure why I didn't think of that to begin with..

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