Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Day 121: Javascript Calculator Project Completed!

The Javascript Calculator project with keyboard support was not as terrible in terms of bug squashing (and general frustration) as the Etch-A-Sketch Project.

Two points of interested of this project was that:

  1. When I began, I started going down this weird rabbit hole of pushing the clicked numbers into an array and then joining them for calculations. There were other funky stuff I was trying as well that I don't quite remember. It was a not insignificant (to me) amount of code written up that I ultimately ended up tossing out the whole thing and starting all over. 
  2. One of the extra credit assignments in the Odin Project is to include keyboard support. I wrote up that bit pretty quickly and it worked for the most part, but had weird bugs that included other characters that was strangely (to me) not being filtered out by the conditional. I had used "keyup" as the eventlistener and tried a few things to fix that bug. Eventually, I decided to try using "keydown" instead. Literally just switching out one word, "keyup" to "keydown" worked! I still don't quite understand why and will need to read up on the differences between the two. 
Overall, it was a really enjoyable project! FreeCodeCamp also has this project as part of their front end libraries certification, which I was planning to just submit both to TOP and FFC in one go. However, I decided to hold off on submitting to FCC since this calculator was written entirely in JS. I am still taking my time going through the React and Redux sections and eventually would like to refactor the code to use those libraries in the future since the whole point of the project for the FCC certification is to get more experience with them. 

The next project I will be working on is the Pomodoro Clock project which again is an assignment in both TOP and FCC. I will be taking the same steps, working with it in vanilla JS and then later refactoring to React/Redux. 

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