Thursday, April 18, 2019

Day 011: I'm not being lazy

The Technical Documentation is done:

It's pretty bare bones but it does what it needs to do. I did want to make it more responsive and switch the nav and content to flex or grid boxes, but I knew that would eat up more time.

I'm not being lazy, I promise! I only have a limited amount of time each weekday due to having to work a full time job and all (and it's getting busier at work) so I would much rather not spend too much time on stuff I am already comfortable with. Not to mention, I am dying to get to the JS but I have to be a good doobie/completionist and finish all the projects. I also think I might be more interested in the back-end and really want to get to that point sooner rather than later.

One more project to go and I get my first certification!

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